Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy: An Interview with Zindel Segal | Mindfulness and Psychotherapy

Both these approaches help the person changes their relationship to thinking.

Dr. Zindel Segal talks about Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy. the combination of each provides two unicke ways of approching the negative thought that we often have. Cognitive thearpy helps us identify the thought, then examining them to see what evidence may not support then. Dr. Zindel Segal talks about Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy. The combination of each provides two unique ways of approaching the negative thought that we often have. Cognitive therapy helps us identify the thought, then examining them to see what evidence may not support then. Then apply a more rational argument to the negative thought. Mindfulness training allows us to just observe the thought as they come, sit with them and then see how they pass and lead to other thoughts. This allows us the perspective of stepping out of the thoughts and seeing what little impact they really have on us.

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